Jessica Chesterman Psychotherapist HG,Dip.P.

Depression | Couples therapy | Workplace wellbeing

About me

My name is Jessica Chesterman. I am a Human Givens Psychotherapist HG,Dip.P and prior to becoming a therapist I worked in corporate enterprise sales for 15 years.

I enjoy how my work as a Psychotherapist can create positive and lasting change and being a pragmatic person by nature, the Human Givens approach particularly resonated with me.

I provide brief solution focussed therapy for a range of mental health challenges and my 3 specialist areas are Depression, Couples Therapy and Workplace Wellbeing.

Therapy with Jessica has been set up with the goal of helping individuals, couples and corporations by sharing knowledge I have obtained as a Psychotherapist that can be integrated into peoples daily lives.

Due to my career in big corporations, I have a view into the challenges organisations face and believe that many of the existing approaches to mental health could be more impactful. This has fuelled my passion to provide more effective and thought provoking approaches to mental health in the workplace using the Human Givens framework.

I appreciate how choosing a therapist may be daunting, however the fact you are here shows you have got to a point where you are ready to make a change and my job will be to support you so you can live a life where you thrive.

What is Human Givens therapy?

HG is brief solution focussed therapy

With 400+ approaches out there, in order for therapy to be successful, it is important to work with an approach that resonates with you.

Human Givens is a modern approach to psychotherapy that integrates the latest findings from psychology and neurobiology. It is a practical, solution focussed approach that does not unduly focus on the past. It is evidence based and drawn from an understanding of how the brain works

At its core, it is the organising idea that we are all born with 9 emotional needs and a set of physical needs. If these needs are met in a healthy and balanced way, combined with how we use our 8 innate resources, then life is good to us.

Our essential psychological needs have been identified over decades of work by health and social psychologists. Likewise, our innate resources have been much studied by neuroscientists. As an example, our imagination is a key resource that often gets misused in depressive thinking where thoughts become black and white, all or nothing, catastrophic and it is common for those in a depressive moment to imagine negative scenarios before anything has even occurred.

Human Givens is a flexible therapeutic approach which draws upon a range of techniques. This supports me to identify what needs and resources are missing or being misused in a persons life so I can help you to get these needs met in a more balanced way, in as few sessions as possible so you can move forward and thrive.

To understand more, click here:


Here are testimonials from some of the people I have helped.

“I felt I had safe and non judgemental space to discuss the difficulties I was experiencing in my life. I could be open and honest about my feelings which allowed me to delve into deeper issues. And being able to see complex relationships and situations from different angles has improved my confidence to deal with situations better I thought Jessica was very patient and supportive throughout the sessions. I felt heard and understood, which was so important to me. She was so encouraging and I never felt that my issues were dismissed or I was being silly. ”


“Jessica made me feel that I was really cared for and understood and used no jargon. I have had therapy in the past and never been able to get what im trying to say across. In general she was amazing and the best and most impactful therapy I have personally ever had.”


“Jess was very easy to talk to, she made me feel at ease and like I wasn’t alone and my problems were very normal. I would definitely recommend her, she was a lovely lady.”


“I have greatly appreciated the time, advice and encouragement Jessica has offered me. I didn't feel apprehensive about sharing my inner thoughts thanks to such welcoming, friendly and participatory engagement. Compared to previous online CBT, I valued the freedom to address issues of real concern to me and Jessica was in a position to offer reasonable and practical ideas. Likewise, HGI forms don't take long to complete before sessions, while some overly involved frameworks can feel cumbersome and akin to homework. Thank you for your continued care and kindness, it's made a real contribution to my life.”


“My sessions with Jessica have been extremely beneficial. She's given great feedback and guidance. She's helped equip me with tools I can use and build upon to make positive change. I felt we developed a really good rapport, which was easy to do. I'm very grateful for Jessica's help and wish her all the very best.”


“Jessica made me feel valued and shared my relief that my depression had lifted since the previous session. She is very empathic and attentive in her manner and although the sessions have been via video call it did not detract from the relationship we had formed in a very short space of time.I would not hesitate to recommend this form of therapy to anyone else who is suffering from depression. Thank you”



Initial Consultation

No charge

15 minutes


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Individual Session


55 minutes

Online or in person

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Couples Session


55 minutes

In person

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Corporate Workshop/Talks


Online or in person

Get in touch

Contact me

Get in touch to book your initial 15 minute consultation or Book online.

Where to find me

I practise therapy in a calm private room in Salomons Estate in Tunbridge Wells.


Salomons Estate, BroomhillRoad, Tunbridge Wells TN3 0TG


Salomons Estate Salomons Estate Salomons Estate Salomons Estate

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