Corporate Workshops

A new approach to enhancing wellbeing in the workplace

Increase productivity, work quality and reduce absenteeism with a therapist led approach to mental wellbeing.

What do I offer

Prior to becoming a Therapist, I worked in Corporate Enterprise Sales for 15+ years so I am not only cognizant of the stressors this can create but also how many of the current well being approaches are missing a vital ingredient, Human Psychology.

My approach is Therapist led and everything I do is underpinned by a scientifically proven and evidence based therapeutic framework which uses the latest findings from Psychology and Neurobiology.

But the great part? Firstly, the approach is holistic. Every part of our lives are inextricably linked so the knowledge and skills I share can be applied to all aspects of someone’s life.

Secondly, my approach is realistic. I can leverage what I understand and have seen within the corporate environment and better equip individuals with tangible knowledge and skills that can be used throughout their lives.

If you understand what drives human behaviour, you stand a better shot at getting the wellbeing of your people right.

Corporate Programs

Overcoming Mental distress


Equip individuals with the knowledge to identify why mental distress occurs and the skills to proactively manage their mental wellbeing resulting in a psychologically stronger and more productive workforce.


Mental distress occurs when our 9 essential emotional needs are not met in balanced and healthy ways in our lives. Each employee will leave the session with;

  • A clear understanding of their 9 emotional needs and physical needs across all aspects of their life
  • Where any minor or major mental distress is coming from so they can make immediate changes both within the workplace and in their personal lives
  • An understanding behind how their innate Psychological resources (1) may be impacting their behavioural responses and performance in the workplace
  • As a therapist, throughout the session, I will provide all attendees with a range of therapist led tools that can be used in their daily lives. These tools can be to help but not limited too, challenges such as emotional arousal, belief systems, mindsets
  • Learn new skills that can that can be applied to their life immediately which will support them to manage their mental health now and in the future

(1) Psychological resources can include the rational mind, pattern matching, mis-use of of imagination, effects of stress on the dreaming brain, emotions, challenging negative thinking

NB: Please note that Workshops can be adapted to ensure maximum relevance and effectiveness. As a therapist I can integrate insights and techniques to support those experiencing Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Trauma, Burnout and Grief

Key information:

90 minutes / Half day
Onsite or offsite
Who is this for?
All empoyees

Helping leaders create oustanding teams


Managers can enhance their performance and KPIs by being able to better manage their own wellbeing whilst adopting a framework that will give more meaning to employees, driving productivity, performance and workplace satisfaction.


Each manager will leave the session;

  • With an understanding of how their own emotional needs are being met in the workplace and at home so they can perform at optimal levels
  • An insight into how their psychological responses, behaviour patterns or bias may be impacting the performance and emotional needs of their own team
  • The application of a therapeutic framework (RIGAAR) (1) to boost team performance, accelerate peoples strengths and enhance work satisfaction
  • Identify the role of pattern matching which influences teams perceptions and performance to drive positive change and fuel performance
  • How perceptions of how you are with your team may not reflect your teams reality and tips to ensure you are creating an innovative environment where teams can thrive
  • Questioning and language skills to drive a growth mindset
  • Tips on how to shape a Performance Review process to reflect emotional needs and lean in further to people’s strengths to create more meaning in their work, drive productivity and enhance wellbeing

(1) RIGAAR - Rapport Building, Information gathering & giving, Goal setting, Accessing resources, Agreeing strategies, Rehearsing success

NB: Please note that Workshops can be adapted to ensure maximum relevance and effectiveness. As a therapist I can integrate insights and techniques to support those experiencing Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Trauma, Burnout and Grief

Key information:

Half day / Full day
Who is this for?
Managers and leaders

Driving your Learning & Development mental health strategy


Learning & Development teams can enhance their mental health strategy by incorporating a therapeutic framework that will give more meaning to employees' work, driving productivity, business performance/satisfaction and increasing employee retention rate.


  • Knowledge on how mental distress occurs through our 9 emotional needs, physical needs and our psychological resources being mis-used to frame how the application of this therapeutic approach can be adapted across the business
  • Advisory around how the application of Emotional & Physical needs can be incorporated into several frameworks to better understand and improve the experience of employees
  • Support with developing surveys and frameworks, that incorporates elements of emotional needs and psychological resources to capture a more profound understanding of what drives individuals and their teams and what is impacting productivity and performance
  • Surveys can be created to support initiatives including employee experience, personnel development, customer service and recognition programmes that aligns to human psychology, creating more in-depth and detailed insights that in turn will deliver more value back to the business
  • Better identification of the core barriers to enabling success within the organisation
  • Co-creation of a mental health strategy underpinned by an evidence based therapeutic framework to enhance employee wellbeing, reducing burnout and increasing employee retention

NB: Please note that Workshops can be adapted to ensure maximum relevance and effectiveness. As a therapist I can integrate insights and techniques to support those experiencing Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Trauma, Burnout and Grief

Key information:

Full day / Multi day
Who is this for?
Learning & Development teams

Enquire now

Get in touch to discuss your teams therapeutic needs.