How do I support those struggling with Depression


Depression is a very human vulnerability and occurs when our physical and 9 emotional needs are not being met in healthy or balanced ways over a prolonged period.

By using the HG framework and an Emotional Needs Audit, we can use this as a starting point to understand more about what you perceive your challenges to be and how you may be misusing your 8 innate resources which is then preventing you from getting your needs met.

Worrying and emotionally aroused rumination is common in depression, which leads to the mis-use of 1 of our innate resources which is the imagination. Excessive rumination not only has a direct impact on REM sleep and the sleeping brain but inhibits the Cortex, which is responsible for the brains rational thought process.


During our sessions, I will use a range of techniques including Psychoeducation. This will enable me to provide insights on how the brain works, the role that sleep plays in depression, the impact of excessive worrying on the dreaming brain and how the misuse of your innate resources can prolong the effects of depressive thinking. We can then apply practical skills to lower emotional arousal in or outside of the therapy room.

How do we track progress in our sessions

We will always work towards goals and tasks. Goals and tasks are both a crucial part of the therapeutic process so you know what you are working towards and so you can see that change is possible. We will also work to get you into your observing self so you can separate yourself from your depression. You are not your depression and once you can engage in that part of you, you can then become more objective to your situation.

Cycle of Depression

By following the Cycle of Depression framework, we will get you looking outward again, supporting you to get your emotional and physical needs met in healthy and balanced ways, identify how you can use your innate resources more appropriately so you can engage in life again and thrive.

Human Givens Cycle of Depression

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery uses the power of the imagination to visualise what you want to change. This works on the time-honoured principle that the human brain tries to bring about what it focuses on. Visualising success is a key technique used amongst many such as sports people and Guided imagery lays down a blueprint in your brain, it creates a template of success in your mind.

The Rewind Technique

The Rewind technique, is a safe and non-voyeuristic technique where I will get you into a deep state of calm. You will have a beginning point from before the trauma started and an end point to after the trauma finished. Only you will know what trauma you are rewinding and during the process you will essentially be unhooking all the emotion associated with the trauma memory. After the rewind, the memory may still be uncomfortable but it will no longer control your thought process and stir up all the psychological and physiological feelings it once did.

PTSD Resolution is a charity serving ex war veterans and their families who use the Rewind technique due to it’s non-voyeuristic approach. For those that know someone in the forces who could benefit from trauma support please visit the PTSD resolution website

Contact me

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