How I support workplace wellbeing

Enhancing workplace wellbeing with the Human Givens framework

Workplace stress is a huge cost to the individual, the business and the country. It can result in high staff turnover, lower company productivity and disengagement.

Having worked in corporate sales for over 15 years and at one point responsible for an annual target of $20million a year, I am cognisant of the stressors this can create. Arguably, psychological well being at work is one of the key reasons employees decide to leave an organisation regardless of the values that an organisation holds.

However, in order for mental health support to be effective in the workplace, my belief is that mental health needs to be looked at in a more holistic way and people need to feel informed and empowered enough to know what changes could positively impact their lives.

The Human Givens Framework

Every aspect of our life is inextricably linked and what occurs in one part of our life will have a profound impact on another, either in a positive or negative way. This is how my approach, using the Human Givens framework as a Psychotherapist can add further value to the approaches that exist today.

What topics could we explore?

Struggles at work don't occur because someone is working long hours or because there is more pressure. Mental distress starts to occur when Emotional needs are not being met in healthy or balanced ways. My workshops and talks will be focussed around educating individuals about their emotional needs, how the misuse of their resources can impact them getting their needs met and the direct effect this can have on their lives. Individuals can then start to identify what changes will work for them both within the work environment and at home. This approach will have a direct and positive impact in all aspects of their life.

Each workshop or talk can be tailored to what you feel would have the most impact within your business. Topics could include;

  • Understanding our 9 emotional needs both within the workplace and outside
  • Physical needs and how they link to emotional needs
  • The power of our 8 innate resources
  • The misuse of resources which creates mental distress
  • The impact of increased emotional arousal
  • The power of reframing
  • Perceptions & expectations
  • The human function curve: identifying when employees may be moving to from being stretched to stressed
  • The impact of stress on the dreaming brain
  • 3 barriers to getting needs met

Current mental health training approaches tend to leave people with little insight into how the workplace culture can be changed. By individuals more clearly understanding how their emotional and physical needs are being met within their own lives, this can then start to sow the seeds of cultural change.

I currently provide :

  • Therapist led half day workshop underpinned by the Human Givens Framework
  • Therapist led talks underpinned by the Human Givens Framework

Contact me

Get in touch to book your initial 15 minute consultation or Book online.

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